01 July 2005

no time like the present

When Stella is 13 and asks me if I had a blog (Mom and Dad, did you go to Woodstock?), I want to be able to say, "YES!" I mean, why not? I love to see my words on a bright white screen, I'm currently experiencing the most exciting, transformative time in my life thus far, and everybody's doing it. Well, who cares about everybody. All I care about is that my super cool cousin, Erica, is in Thailand writing kick-ass entries. http://www.smcmerica.blogspot.com/ That's inspiration enough for me.

So I am at work, demonstrating how the workforce is spending too much time on personal internet use. Which means, I should get back to that and try out the blog-thing later on.

Here goes- one click and I'm part of history!

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